Knowledge Management Strategies for Enhancing the Development of Large-Scale Choke Anan Mango Growers in Srinakorn District, Sukhothai Province


  • Ratchadaporn Sanprasit Department of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Business and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Phitsanulok
  • Siriporn Bunprakob Department of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Business and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Phitsanulok
  • Sawanya Hanwongsa Department of Business, Faculty of Business and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Phitsanulok


Knowledge Management, Large-scale Plantation, Choke Anan Mango


This research investigated knowledge management strategies for enhancing the development of a large-scale Choke Anan mango grower group in Srinakorn District, Sukhothai Province. The study aimed to: 1) Study and organize a knowledge system on the management of Chok Anan mango plots of a large-scale Choke Anan mango grower group in Srinakorn District, Sukhothai Province, using the SECI model; and 2) facilitate knowledge transfer and exchange regarding plantation management among Choke Anan mango growers. Interviews and questionnaires were utilized to gather data. Results are presented in two sections. First, knowledge management using the SECI Model revealed that learning and sharing processes facilitated knowledge exchange on topics such as plantation management models and distribution channels among grower group members and specialists. Individual knowledge was externalized, categorized, and compiled into a manual for Choke Anan mango plantation management in Sukhothai Province. This manual covered six key areas: (1) environmental management in plantations, (2) seedling preparation, selection, planting, and monitoring, (3) disease and pest control following GAP standards for food crops, (4) harvesting, (5) innovations to improve production efficiency, and (6) product distribution channels. Second, the sharing of collected knowledge within the grower group fostered knowledge exchange between specialists and the large-scale Choke Anan mango grower group in Srinakorn and Srisatchanalai Districts. This exchange enabled growers to collaborate, share insights, and generate new knowledge. Knowledge internalization was achieved by imparting knowledge to growers participating in the exchange activities. An evaluation of participants' acquired knowledge demonstrated a high level of understanding ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.42, S.D. =0.661). The findings of this research provide guidance for the effective development of large-scale mango plantations, cost reduction, increased production, and improved distribution channels for Choke Anan mango growers in the future.


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How to Cite

Sanprasit, R. ., Bunprakob, S., & Hanwongsa, S. . (2024). Knowledge Management Strategies for Enhancing the Development of Large-Scale Choke Anan Mango Growers in Srinakorn District, Sukhothai Province. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 12(1), 57–76. Retrieved from