The Mediating Roles of Elderly Caregivers on Gharavasa-Dhamma 4 to Promoting the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly in Kokha District Lampang Province
The role of elderly caregivers, The network support, The principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma 4, Promoting the life satisfaction of the elderlyAbstract
The objectives of this research were (1) to study the importance of the role of elderly caregivers, the network support, the principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma 4, and promoting the life satisfaction of the elderly, (2) to investigate how elderly caregivers, the network support, and the principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma 4 toward promoting the life satisfaction of the elderly, and (3) to test the mediating roles of elderly caregivers on the principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma 4 toward promoting the life satisfaction of the elderly in Ko Kha District, Lampang Province. This is a survey research study with purpose sampling. The sample group was 397 elderly caregivers. Descriptive statistics were used to find percentages and standard deviation, and inferential statistics were analyzed using multiple regression with Enter Selection Techniques
The results showed that (1) the elderly caregivers were of the highest importance in the principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma4 (= 4.50), followed by promoting the life satisfaction of the elderly (
= 4.40), the role of elderly caregivers at a high level, (
= 4.08). Lastly, the level of network support was moderate (
= 3.23). (2) The results of the multiple regression analysis indicate that network support has the greatest impact on enhancing the life satisfaction of the elderly, with a path coefficient of 0.850. The principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma 4 have also positively influenced promoting the life satisfaction of the elderly, with a path coefficient of 0.770. The role of elderly caregivers affects network support, with a path coefficient of 0.727. Lastly, the role of elderly caregivers affects the principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma 4, with a path coefficient of 0.723. The results to test the mediating showed that the principles Gharavasa-Dhamma 4, being the roles of elderly caregivers, was a significant variable in promoting the life satisfaction of the elderly with a statistical significance of 0.01. The principles of Gharavasa-Dhamma 4 facilitate appropriate and compassionate elderly caregivers. Practicing patience in caregiving leads to an improvement in the quality of life of the elderly. Therefore, the principles can be effectively applied in elderly care by fostering a society of generosity and shared happiness. This approach not only enhances caregivers' skills but also contributes to improving the quality of life for the elderly, creating a community where compassion and well-being are shared among all members.
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