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Lertchai Suthamanon


Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) is a Thai private higher education institution that has been able to grow rapidly within just 15 years through its educational administration approach for work-based education. The research’s purpose was to study the success factors of management system based on Panyapiwat Institute of Management’s Work-based Education (WBE) Experiences. The sample consisted of 217 participants at the manager level and above at PIM. Data were analyzed using correlation statistics, multiple regression analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis by Enter method to test 4 hypotheses. The findings indicate in the same way, all of the following: (1) the strategic performance management towards WBE; (2) Build People Passion is the management and building trust in the WBE; (3) the curriculum redesign; and (4) work process & style redesign towards WBE. All of them positively influence the outcomes of PIM’s WBE operation. 
The predicting equation in raw score form is as follow: 
Y’ = 0.634 + 0.125 (X1) + 0.122 (X2) + 0.129 (X3) + 0.599 (X4)
X1 = Strategic performance management 
X2 = Build People Passion 
X3 = The curriculum redesign 
X4= Work process & style redesign
The four success factors found in this equation can be applied to other similar educational institutions with a similar context.

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