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Phirom Chea
Kimseng Tieng
Nattharika Rittippant
Chawalit Jeenanunta


The technical knowledge is known to be spillover among supply chain members in the global value chain. It is interesting to investigate differences of firms’ technological capabilities development among different types of supply chain structure, i.e., 1) local firms in local supply chain, 2) local firms in global supply chain, and 3) foreign firms in the local/global supply chain. There are three groups of firms’ technological capabilities, which are investigated in this paper. They are technological capabilities in production planning (PP), inventory management (IM), and data analysis (DA). One-way ANOVA was used to analyze 141 responses, which was collected during May-April 2019 from management levels of manufacturing firms based in Thailand. Results from this empirical statistical analysis show that, first, foreign firms in the local/global supply chain have a significant difference and higher technological capabilities than local firms in local supply chain for all groups of firms’ technological capabilities. Second, local firms in global supply chain have a significant difference and higher technological capabilities than local firms in local supply chain in the group of DA. The local firms in global supply chain have the mean of technological capabilities in production planning and inventory management higher than the local firms in local supply chain. The local firms may improve their technological capabilities by joining the global supply chain.

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How to Cite
Chea, P., Tieng, K., Rittippant, N., & Jeenanunta, C. (2020). BENEFITS OF JOINING GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN IN UPGRADING FIRMS’ TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITIES TOWARD INDUSTRY 4.0: THE CASE OF THAILAND: The Case of Thailand. Panyapiwat Journal, 12(1), 46–63. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Kimseng Tieng, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University

PhD student

Nattharika Rittippant, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University

Assoc. Prof. 


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