Impact of AI Chatbot-Enhanced Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Customer Trust

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This study examines the impact of AI chatbot-enhanced customer satisfaction on trust and loyalty, with a particular focus on the mediating role of customer trust. A multistage sampling technique was employed to select a diverse group of 436 participants from the target population of Chinese online retail customers with experience using AI chatbots. Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling in SPSS and AMOS revealed a significant positive relationship between customer satisfaction derived from AI chatbot interactions and both trust and loyalty. Moreover, customer trust was found to significantly mediate the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. These findings underscore the critical role of AI chatbots in not only improving customer satisfaction but also in fostering trust and loyalty within the online retail sector. The study provides valuable insights into how digital customer service tools like AI chatbots can be strategically leveraged to enhance customer relationships and loyalty, offering important implications for online retailers looking to optimize their engagement strategies in the digital marketplace.

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