Factors Affecting Public Service Services of Local Administrative Organizations in Rayong Province on the Situation of the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
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The objectives of this research were to 1) identify the level of factors affecting the public service provision of the local adminstrative organizations in Rayong province on the situation of the epidemic of coronavirus Disease (COVID -19) , 2) analyze the level of public service provision of the local administrative organizations in Rayong province on the situation of the epidemic of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), and to 3) analyze the factors affecting the efficiency of the public service provision of the local administrative organizations in Rayong province on the situation of the epidemic of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). The sample group used in this research was 400 people who received public services from local administrative organizations in Rayong province. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that the overall factors affecting the public service provision of the local administrative organizations in Rayong province were at high level. The aspect that received the highest score was the aspect of the continuous service, while the aspect that received the lowest score was the aspect of on time service. Besides, the level of public service provision of local administrative organizations in general was at a high level. The aspect that received the highest score was the management and conservation of natural resources and the environment. On the other hand, the aspect that received the least score was the aspect of community organization, society, and the keeping of public order. In addition, the results revealed that the overall factors affecting the public service provision of the local administrative organizations in Rayong had related to the public service provision on the situation of the epidemic Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in all aspects There is a statistically significant relationship with the public service provision of the local administrative organizations in Rayong province at statistical significant level of . 05.
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