The Effects of Cooking Activity Provision on Flexible Thinking Skill of Young Children

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Thitirat Rodthong


The objective of this research is to examine the flexible thinking skills of young children before and after they participate in cooking activities.  The target group  consisted of 16 boys and girls aged  5 to 6 years old studied in kindergarten level 3, second semester of the academic year 2021 at Wat Kok Cha La School, under the Office of the Private Education Commission.  The research tools were twenty-four  loose part play activities of four steps: step 1: creating interest; step 2: creating situation; step 3: activity operation, and step 4: report conclusion and behavior observation form of  young children flexible thinking skills.  The data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation, content analysis and descriptive narration.

The findings revealed that  the children displayed more flexible thinking behavior after participating in the cooking activities than before the experiment.   Furthermore, the results of the behavior observation showed that after participating in the cooking activity, the participants had better flexible thinking behavior in all aspects than before.

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