New Public Management for Public Service of Municipality in Chumphon Province
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This research on new public management for public service of municipality in Chumphon province. This study covers all municipalities in Chumphon province. The purposes of the research were to 1) study the level of public service of the municipality in Chumphon province; 2) study the factors of new public management in relation to public service of municipality in Chumphon province and 3) synthesize new public management approaches that are appropriate for public service of municipality in Chumphon province. The researcher used a mixed of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The sample used was 399 peoples in the municipality of Chumphon province. Statistics used were percentage, average, standard deviation and Pearson's correlation test. Key informants such as municipal administrators and heads of government departments obtained from a specific selection of 14 peoples and then used to write as descriptive data.
The results showed that 1) the overall public service of municipal in Chumphon province was at a high level; 2) the new public management factors was significantly correlated with public service of municipal in Chumphon province significantly at the .01 (r = .686) and 3) a new public management approaches that are appropriate for public service of municipality in Chumphon province are as follows: (1) the municipality should set clear goals and indicators for their services, by taking into account the local identity and prioritized by primary and secondary tasks; (2) reduce steps to serve people and use modern technology to serve; (3) integrate and work together among all sectors in the area and (4) reduce duplication of services of government agencies in the area.
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