Building Clients, Satisfaction thorough the Introduction of the New Tax Auditor Scheme


  • Supranee HunsaJaktree Faculty of Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University


NEW TA, Satisfaction, New Taxation


New Taxation based upon compliance risk management approach is going to be issued very soon by the Revenue Department. By releasing this new Tax Auditor (TA) concept, the Revenue Department is anticipating that new TA is going to perform auditing profession with knowledge, professional values, ethics and attitude in accounting profession on a competency of tax & law as a professional. A professional may leads to the development of Tax Auditors’ competency constantly.

To pave with information changes nowadays, building trustworthiness, paying attention on accountability and responsibility to a customer are the focus of this new TA concept. The aim of this new approach is to gain not only customers’ satisfaction but also customers’ trustworthiness. By doing so, a new TA needs to pay more attention on auditing profession along with tax & law starting from the beginning of auditing period until finishing the job. The result of doing this is to govern tax payment correctly accurately, and whole – heartedly.


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How to Cite

HunsaJaktree, S. (2020). Building Clients, Satisfaction thorough the Introduction of the New Tax Auditor Scheme. Suthiparithat Journal, 28(87), 44–58. Retrieved from



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