
  • Sivanun Sivapitak Business Administration Program in Management College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Piyavit Thipbharos Innovation and Digital Business Department, College of Innovative Business and Accountancy, Dhurakij Pundit University


Entrepreneurship, Digital Economy, Innovativeness, Pro-Activeness, Risk Taking


The purpose of this paper is to offer knowledge and suggestions to Thai entrepreneurs in the digital economy. From the literature review, it was found that there are two ways to become an integrative entrepreneur. First, there must be an input that passes the internal process to obtain the result. Second, the characteristics of an entrepreneur include innovativeness, daring to face risks and proactive work. Entrepreneurial characteristics seem to be most suitable for entrepreneurship in the digital economy in an effort to create value for products and / or manage innovatively in order to meet customer needs. The courage to take risks is important to enable entrepreneurs to succeed in doing business. Management should encourage employees to be proactive at work to mitigate the effects of uncertainty. The results will be useful in the offering of products and services that are of primary value to the customer and to maximize satisfaction. It represents an opportunity and a challenge for Thai entrepreneurs with the potential to expand their business to the world market.


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How to Cite

Sivapitak, S., & Thipbharos, P. (2021). AN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY ERA. Suthiparithat Journal, 35(3), 98–113. Retrieved from



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