
  • Nutthapong Prakobkandee Aviation Management Division, Civil Aviation Training Center
  • Warangkana Kraipetch Aviation Management Division, Civil Aviation Training Center
  • Ratchada Ruenruoy School of Humanities and Tourism Management, Bangkok University


Travel Behavior, Covid-19 Crisis, Air Travel Resumption, Thai Passenger


The purposes of the study were to examine factors from the changes of travel behavior that influence the resumption of air travel services and assess the relationship of those factors in predicting the trend of air travel resumptions during the Covid-19 crisis. The study used an online questionnaire as an instrument to collect data from 322 Thai passengers. The sample was selected using quota sampling and used hierarchical multiple regression for analyzing and interpreting data. 

The findings showed that the factors affecting the resumption of air travel services during the Covid-19 included the factors of passenger perceptions which consisted of the trust in government’s measures of Covid-19 protections toward airlines, perceive value of air travel, and satisfaction in technology. For the factors of self-supervision, it consisted of self-care ability and air travel frequency.


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How to Cite

Prakobkandee, N., Kraipetch, W., & Ruenruoy, R. (2022). FACTORS IN THE RESUMPTION OF AIR TRAVEL SERVICES FOR THAI PASSENGERS DURING THE COVID-19 CRISIS. Suthiparithat Journal, 36(4), 101–121. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DPUSuthiparithatJournal/article/view/260586



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