Influence of E-commerce Environment Characteristics on Consumers’ Online Impulse Purchase
E-commerce, Online Impulse Purchase, Trust, Moodบทคัดย่อ
This research article aims to analysis influence of e-commerce environment characteristics on consumer’s online impulse purchase. Impulsive buying is a very common form of consumption in our daily lives. Since the 1950s, method of this study and the needs of testing, the statistical analysis software SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 This study used multiple regression analysis to process the data. The online impulse purchase behavior integration model established in this study helps to better understand online consumer behavior and has certain guiding significance for network marketers. Result found Consumers motivate consumers to generate buying motives and then impulse purchases. In addition, existing online shopping research shows that trust is the reason many consumers give up online purchases. Therefore, this study adds trust variables to explain consumers, especially those with less online shopping experience. In the high-risk environment of the Internet, the phenomenon of impulse purchase is not implemented after the purchase impulse. The significant findings1) environmental characteristics of the e-commerce platform as a stimulus to trigger the emotional response of online consumers 2) Consumers motivate consumers to generate buying motives and then impulse purchases. 3) Existing online shopping research shows that trust is the reason many consumers give up online purchases the high-risk environment could be barriers of impulsive shopping.
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