The Artistic Style and Realistic Significance of Bird and Flower Paintings of Ju Chao and Lian


  • Lingyan Zhong Art Performance Communication, School of Liberal Arts, Shinawatra University, Thailand
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sakon Phungamdee Art Performance Communication, School of Liberal Arts, Shinawatra University, Thailand


Ju Chao and Ju Lian; , Bird; , Flower; , Painting; , Mogu Method


Ju Chao (1818-1865) and Ju Lian (1828-1904) were well-known bird and flower painters in Lingnan Area, China during the mid- and late-1900s. On the basis of the “Mogu method”, they created as well as developed and enriched the water and powder adding technique, which had a centennial impact on Guangdong painting community. Hence, they were known as “Two Ju” and their art "Ju School of Painting". This paper analyzes the artistic styles of the Lingnan Area formed under the political, economic, social, and cultural influence brought about by foreign trade after the late Qing Dynasty in China. By dissecting the artistic style and technical characteristics of Ju Chao and Ju Lian from birth to maturity, it reveals the impact of the convergence of the Chinese and foreign cultures, coupled with marine culture and cultural exchange, on the Lingnan painting, and further explores the artistic style and aesthetic value of Lingnan bird and flower painting as well as the enlightenment of “Two Ju” painting on contemporary bird and flower painting creation.


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