Influence Mechanism of Academic Motivation on Academic Achievement of College Students in Shanxi Province in China


  • Jing Zhang Management Program, School of Management, Metharath University
  • Dr.Sarana Photchanachan School of Management, Metharath University, Thailand.
  • Dr.Pensri Bangbon School of Management, Metharath University, Thailand.


College Students; , Academic Motivation; , Learning Engagement; , Academic Achievement


This study adopts a quantitative approach and the perspective of learning engagement to examine the relationship between academic motivation and academic achievement among college students in Shanxi Province in China. Tools uses the questionnaire and sample size of 400. The reliability is generally expressed by Cronbach’s coefficient that greater than 0.8, which indicated that the measurement scales have high reliability. Analysis uses SPSS 25.0 and Amos 22.0. The findings demonstrate hypothesis as (1) academic achievement is positively impacted by their academic motivation; (2) learning engagement is positively impacted by their academic motivation; (3) academic achievement is positively impacted by their learning engagement; (4) learning engagement plays a mediating role between academic motivation and academic achievement. As a result, this study gives comparable countermeasures and recommendations for four levels: college students, colleges and universities, government, and parents.


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How to Cite

Zhang, J. ., Photchanachan, D., & Bangbon, D. (2023). Influence Mechanism of Academic Motivation on Academic Achievement of College Students in Shanxi Province in China. วารสารปรัชญาปริทรรศน์, 28(2), 140–150. สืบค้น จาก