
  • Nattakarn Chaihawong College of Innovation Management, Rajamangala University of Techology Rattanakosin
  • Soibuppha Sartmool College of Innovation Management, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • Supawat Sukhaparamate College of Innovation Management, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin


Willingness to Pay, Contingent Valuation Method, Double Bounded Logit Model, Passenger Luggage Delivery


This research aims to 1. assess the value of passengers' willingness to pay for luggage delivery and expedited lane services and 2. to study the relationship between the pattern of luggage delivery by private companies. with delivery by airline with the method of evaluating by using the method of hypothesis Evaluate and use a double bounded CVM questionnaire based on both statistical and qualitative research methods. A study by online questionnaire from 442 informants from users of the Bangkok-airport luggage delivery service. The results showed that 1) Willingness to pay Surcharge for luggage delivery at the airport It was found that 442 samples were willing to pay for the extra charge. Luggage delivery service Bangkok - airport (by airline) decreased by 98 THB, luggage delivery service Bangkok-airport (by private line) increased by 35 baht, and luggage delivery service Bangkok-airport (with tracking system) decreased. Equal to 125 baht and 2. the correlation of this study reflects only 44 people in the income over 100,000 group among the informants. On the other hand, most of the sample groups do not have the capacity to pay for Fast Track Lanes. The results of this research can be applied to develop applications for users to accept more technology.


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How to Cite

Chaihawong, N., Sartmool, S., & Sukhaparamate, S. (2023). WILLINGNESS TO PAY TO IMPROVE THE EXPERIENCE AND INTERNAL SERVICE EFFICIENCY OF THAI PASSENGERS IN SUVARNABHUMI AIRPORT. Suthiparithat Journal, 37(3), 55–73. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DPUSuthiparithatJournal/article/view/264209



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