Modeling Management Of Chain Music Training Institutions In Hunan, China


  • Wanlin Dai School of Management, Shinawatra University, Thailand
  • Eksiri Niyomsilp School of Management, Shinawatra University, Thailand


Modeling Management, Chain Music Training, Music Training Institutions


  • The current study purposes to analysis the development and current situation of chain music training in Hunan Province, to explore the main influencing factors within the management of chain music training institutions, to investigate the relationship between influencing factors and the competitiveness of chain music training institutions, and to construct a scientific, standardized and comprehensive management system of chain music training institutions. It was focused on the management mode of chain music training institutions, with mixed research methods to study the development status and existing problems of chain music training in Hunan Province, China. Based on the management mode.
  • The result found the characteristics of the management mode of chain music training institutions can be divided into: regular chain model, brand franchise chain model, cooperative chain model and hybrid chain model; by the content of franchise, it can be divided into: brand name franchise, brand course franchise and brand system franchise. The relationship between management mode factors and institutions found that the factors and elements will affect institutions can be classified into music education factors, internal management factors, external management factors, and resource management factors. The relationship between influencing factors and the competitiveness of chain music training institutions found that music education factors of music education idea and music education position), internal management factors of student management, courses management and institutional resources management) and external management factors of brand management, franchise management and social resources management) have a significant influence on the competitiveness of chain music training institutions through mediator variable. That music education factors i.e., music education idea and music education position, internal management factors i.e., student management, courses management and institutional resources management and external management factors i.e., brand management, franchise management and social resources management. That have a significant influence on the competitiveness of chain music training institutions through mediator variable of consumer attitudes.



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