การใช้เทคโนโลยีดิจิทัลแพลตฟอร์มในการบริหารสถานศึกษาระบบทวิภาคี ของวิทยาลัยเทคนิค สังกัดสถาบันการอาชีวศึกษากรุงเทพมหานคร


  • Kesinee Chiwpreecha Eastern Asia University, Thailand
  • Wimol Chankeaw Eastern Asia University, Thailand
  • Patima Poonsub Eastern Asia University, Thailand
  • Narit Sangsuksawang Eastern Asia University, Thailand
  • Narit Prarom Eastern Asia University, Thailand


Usage Technology Platform , Dual Vocational Administration


The aims of this research were  to study the current states and  guidelines  for  Usage Technology Platform of Dual Vocational  Administration. Using mixed – methods research approach that consisted of 2 steps they were as follows: (1) The subjects of this study were sampled 60 peaple. The research instruments were a rating  scaled  questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data in this study were percentage, mean, standard deviation. (2) Interview 12 experts and analysis data by using content analysis and descriptive statistics. The research results were as follows : 1)The overall of current states was at a high level  ( =3.91, S.D. =0.63). 2) The guidelines Usage Technology Platform of Dual Vocational  Administration  were categorized into 4  issues: 1) Teacher Development  in Online approach 2) Usage digital platforms for administration and information security system 3) Set learning plan practicum supervision on technology digital platforms and  4) Authentic assessment


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2022-04-25 — Updated on 2022-04-25

How to Cite

Chiwpreecha, K., Chankeaw, W., Poonsub, P., Sangsuksawang, N., & Prarom, N. (2022). การใช้เทคโนโลยีดิจิทัลแพลตฟอร์มในการบริหารสถานศึกษาระบบทวิภาคี ของวิทยาลัยเทคนิค สังกัดสถาบันการอาชีวศึกษากรุงเทพมหานคร. Journal of Philosophical Vision, 27(1), 50–58. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phiv/article/view/255663



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